Global Picketline in progress

Car industry companies have global production lines, and in their quest for profit they attack on workers in many countries. Car industry workers deserve our solidarity and need our support.

Global Picketline objectives:

To promote and support international campaigns to achieve the release of the jailed Maruti Suzuki and Pricol workers in India. To support the campaigns of car industry workers.

Current situation:

The Maruti workers are still in prison, there continues to be solidarity campaigning on the ground in India.
Seven of the nine Precol workers were acquitted, but the prosecution is now appealing this decision and argues that the seven workers also receive life sentences.
Comrade Han Sang-Kyun in South Korea ha been released.

Background information:

Following the jailing of 13 Maruti Suzuki workers for life sentences, workers have continued their campaign to free them and to assert the right to organise independent unions.
In 2017 we witnessed mass actions by thousands of workers in the industrial zones of Gurgaon and Manesar in India. This struggle has been taken up by workers all around India and campaigns have started at a global level.