Our aim is to support workers joining together internationally, to achieve gains that benefit all workers.

Increasing the level of solidarity actions is central to our strategy.

Level 1: Solidarity messages

We have learned that the first expression of solidarity tends to be a solidarity message, from one group of workers to another group of workers involved in a dispute. This builds connections and is helpful to increase morale.

Level 2: Connect the struggles

We try to use the initial connections made with solidarity messages to increase communication and discussion, with the aim of connecting the struggles of different groups of workers. We want to increase communication using messaging, phone and email, to achieve practical support, online meetings and solidarity visits.

Level 3: Joint actions

Joint actions need considerable discussion, but tend to be very powerful when they happen. They can be events held on the same day in different countries, such as a Global Day of Action, or a series of connected events, like protests on the same issue or with the same demands. The strongest actions are solidarity strikes or solidarity industrial action. But solidarity events such as rallies, public meetings and statements can be very powerful also.

Level 4: One struggle

If workers can develop a common set of demands for a whole company or a whole industry, in many workplaces in many different countries, we say they are involved in a global struggle. Many actions are organised by workers in different countries as part of one global campaign. This is hard to achieve, but it is not impossible. The campaigns against asbestos and the campaign against child labour are examples of current campaigns that have become global struggles. We hope to make many other campaigns global struggles, to win local disputes, and to achieve workplace health & safety, job security, a living wage and decent work conditions for all workers.